Thursday, January 19, 2012

How Car Engines Work

Have you ever opened the hood of your car and wondered what was going on was? An engine of a car can be like a big confusing jumble of metal, pipes and cables uninitiated.You want to know what's going on just out of curiosity may seem. Or maybe you're buying a new car, and I hear things like "3.0 liter V-6" and "double-cam" and "tune-port fuel injection." What does that mean?
In this article we will than the basic idea of an engine and to discuss in detail about how all the pieces fit together, what can go wrong and how you performance.The purpose of a gasoline car engine to improve gas moves to the Put in a manner that the car to move. Currently the easiest way to create a movement of gasoline to burn fuel in an engine. Therefore an internal combustion engine - combustion takes place internally.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to Make an Electric Motor

An electric motor is a device, the mechanical energy caused by electrical energy by an interaction between the magnetic fields and current-carrying conductors. These motors can direct current from a portable device such as a battery or distribution network of electric current. Use the electric motors in various appliances such as fans, pumps, appliances, power tools, computers, motors and power tools, etc. Small clocks, engines medium in industrial large format found in engines used to drive around in large vessels.
Basics of Electrical The movement of the motor with the aid of magnets. The fundamental law of magnetism, that "like poles repel and unlike poles attract." The engine has to generate attractive and repulsive forces in the magnet to rotate. Although its design and size ranges, electric motors electric motor operates in the foundations. The main components are an electric motor armature, or rotor, DC, ash, field magnet and a collector. Although it seems a very complicated task, really understand how an electric motor to do this for you very easily.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Mars Facts: Interesting Facts about Mars

The mysterious red planet, a bright red dot in the night sky. Mars has many secrets that are revealed by his recent exploration of the mobile and the orbiter.Poses, probably the only planet to have the right to life in our solar system, could also land, is our nearest neighbor - Mars. And 'the red dot, which extends into the evening sky. Not surprisingly, there is also the most sought after in the planetary exploration program of NASA in the space now. Mars has always placed in the imagination of so-called land. Sleep is a human mission to Mars in the near future would indeed be the next milestone for the landing. Even now, many rovers and space missions in terms of richness of data and high resolution images, has revealed many secrets of Mars led.Mars in ancient mythologyBefore entering the real facts on Mars, we want to explore their position in ancient mythology and legend. Mars is recorded in our mythology as a harbinger of war and disaster. Our ancestors joined the action on the field with the models they saw in the sky, and Mars has been a bit 'as the symbol of the war and later said God of War in Greek mythology, as in other mythologies around the world. This may be due to the color red, which is normally associated with risk. In essence, Mars has a reputation as a deal breaker.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

5 Ways Modern Car Engines Differ from Older Car Engines

Compared to other technologies we use every day, it seems that car engines have not changed much. The engine of an old Ford Model T has many similarities with the engine in a 2011 Ford Fusion, but it is doubtful that Alexander Graham Bell would be, what to do with an iPhone. While the technology of communication has changed dramatically, the engines of motor vehicles use the same basic principle for the combustion air and fuel to create a rotational force to move a car.
However, although the same principles that have brought the first car engines are still in use, modern car engines are designed to meet the energy needs and meet the efficiency of today's drivers. Think engines of old cars, like the wolves and the engines of modern cars like dogs. They share a common heritage and similar features, but works very well in modern life, while the other could not adapt to life in a city or neighborhood.