Next year will be the hammer of the prophets of doom. according to the prophecy, the world is through a solar storm, asteroid impact, collision Rogue Planet, the plague of meteors, earthquakes, debtcrisis,or a combination there of from. Of course, no one seems ready for an imminent apocalypse, 2012, with the exception of one study reported the construction of an underground bunker porn nudist.Why should we? Scientifically speaking, the prophecies are closely fanfare. Physicists can do much better. When it comes to scenarios of late cosmological data Cruncher tools available are much more meaningful predictions can tell us how you really do not stop to land, but the entire universe. Best of all, can tell us how to survive.
Science, curiously, is much better at predicting things like the death of stars more time next week. The same laws of physics, scientists study the Big Bang occurred 13.7 billion years and allow them to look to the future with great accuracy. And few people have more than the University of California at Santa Cruz astronomer Greg Laughlin, a leader of science which I appreciated. As a graduate student in 1992, are struggling in a simple computer simulation of star formation, when we broke for lunch and accidentally let the simulation run. When he returned an hour later was advanced simulation 100000000000000000 years, more than most scientists thought (or courage) to explore.The program itself reveals nothing very surprising, the simulated star had long gone cold and dead, but Laughlin has intrigued by the concept of using physical simulations across large bays at the time. "He opened his eyes to the fact that things work and have to be still there in time which minimizes the present age of the universe," he says.Four years later, still fascinated with Fred Adams has Laughlin, professor of physics at the University of Michigan, worked on the future of the universe to investigate serious. Working in his spare time, the two researchers study 57 pages of reviews of the Journal of Modern Physics Co-author detailing a series of apocalyptic future: the death of the sun, at the end of the star, and several scenarios for the fate of the universe together as one.