The mysterious red planet, a bright red dot in the night sky. Mars has many secrets that are revealed by his recent exploration of the mobile and the orbiter.Poses, probably the only planet to have the right to life in our solar system, could also land, is our nearest neighbor - Mars. And 'the red dot, which extends into the evening sky. Not surprisingly, there is also the most sought after in the planetary exploration program of NASA in the space now. Mars has always placed in the imagination of so-called land. Sleep is a human mission to Mars in the near future would indeed be the next milestone for the landing. Even now, many rovers and space missions in terms of richness of data and high resolution images, has revealed many secrets of Mars led.Mars in ancient mythologyBefore entering the real facts on Mars, we want to explore their position in ancient mythology and legend. Mars is recorded in our mythology as a harbinger of war and disaster. Our ancestors joined the action on the field with the models they saw in the sky, and Mars has been a bit 'as the symbol of the war and later said God of War in Greek mythology, as in other mythologies around the world. This may be due to the color red, which is normally associated with risk. In essence, Mars has a reputation as a deal breaker.
With the invention of the telescope, watching the people of the red planet up close for the first time, leading to more significant than the new data on Mars, has changed its was just a red dot on a planet with the possibility of life in it.Now, at the beginning of the third millennium, human space probes that have landed on the surface of Mars sent back and sent the real images of Mars. Scientific research and exploration is underway with the ultimate goal of the colonization of Mars. Let's look at some of the most surprising of the red planet, and high resolution images, which have different characteristics, called by courtesy of the many space missions of NASA and other space agencies to life.Curiosity about the planet Mars.- Mars is a planet insignificant compared to the Earth Mars is a whole new world out there waiting for you to explore. Here are some facts and ideas on the red planet in all its glory.The radius of Mars is about half as wide as our planet Earth. It is also relatively less dense. The total volume of Mars is about 15% that of Earth, while its mass is that 11% of the earth. Therefore the gravity of Mars is much weaker than Earth's gravity. Its crust is thicker than Earth. However, as can be seen by comparing the size of the image above, Mars is very small compared to the Earth. Its surface that resembles the earth that seasonal changes periodically as our planet. It has an axial tilt similar to Earth, and the polar caps. However, both are planets like Earth, with each other more.
- The highest mountain in the solar system is on Mars. Mount Olympus, the picture above, a shield volcano on the surface of Mars, is the highest mountain of all those observed in terrestrial worlds in our solar system. This is a record of 26 km from the ground up. This makes it almost three times higher than Mount Everest! Its total area covers over 600 km and is the size of Arizona. As you can see in the image is its enormous size and height, easily visible from space, is located in the northern hemisphere of Mars, known in the region called Tharsis.
- Mars has the largest canyon in the Solar System. Valles Marineris, the photo above, a canyon that runs along the Martian Ecuador, like a scar, is the largest canyon, still observed in our solar system. It stretches about 4,000 km long, making it almost as much as Europe. And 'as large as 200 km and at its deepest level, submerged at a depth of about 7 km. So if you think the Grand Canyon is the last word on guns, think again. And 'the most striking feature of Ecuador Mars, by erosion and tectonic forces created at the factory. The canyon is a long, wide crack in the crust.
- Mars has water. One of the most important facts about Mars, revealed in his recent exploration, is that water exists on Mars, such as ice, polar ice caps under his. In the photo above you can clearly see the white patches of ice at the poles. There is evidence that water flowed freely on the surface of Mars, but now its low atmospheric pressure ensures that water can not flow or remain on its surface. The supply of water that exists at mid-latitudes and polar surface of the planet as ice. However, the existence of life on Mars a matter of debate and mystery, the observational evidence is provided. From naturally low atmospheric pressure, liquid water can not exist long in Mars. Most of the large amount of water stored as ice in the ice at the South Pole Scientists estimate that if the ice caps are melting at the South Pole, the whole surface of the planet with water, 11 feet deep recorded.
- Mars is red with rust. The secret behind the red-orange Mars is rust. The planet's surface is colored in this way by the prevalence of iron oxide on its surface, which is commonly known as oxide. As you can see in the picture, the whole surface has a reddish-orange, the characteristics of the planet with its characteristic color. The image you click on one of the rover, which landed on the surface and high-resolution images to be beamed to Earth.
- Mars has two moons. Mars has two moons, Phobos (from the greek "Fear") and Deimos (from the greek "terrorist"), represented above, in that order. These Martian moons are probably captured asteroids, which are small irregular moons, as shown in the pictures above. They were discovered in 1877 by Asaph Hall, an American astronomer, the largest refractor telescope time. Phobos is the mass of the two moons, with a mass of more than seven times Deimos. And 'unstable state on a collision course with Mars orbiting the near future.
- Mars has no magnetosphere. One of the little known facts is that Mars has no magnetic field, where its ultra-thin layer of atmosphere that is susceptible to destruction by the solar wind. This thin layer of the atmosphere, visible in the top is made of carbon dioxide as a main component and, especially, nitrogen, argon and oxygen, followed in traces. Seasons on Mars are similar to those on Earth, by the similar amount of inclination of the axis, but are twice as long. This is due to a year on Mars about 687 days, which is almost twice as long as the Year of the Earth.