Tuesday, December 27, 2011

How Diesel Engines Work

One of the most popular items is How Stuff Works How car engines, the basic principles of internal combustion engines, said the four-stroke cycle and talks about all the subsystems that will help the engine of your car, do their work shows. Long after he was released (and made one of the most frequent suggestions in the proposal being) this article, one of the most frequently asked questions: "What is the difference between a petrol and a diesel engine?"
Diesel story actually begins with the invention of the gasoline engine. Nikolaus August Otto invented and patented gasoline engine 1876th This invention uses the principle of four-stroke internal combustion engine, also known as "Otto cycle" and is the basic premise for most car engines today. In the initial phase of the gasoline engine was not very efficient, and passed other important methods of transport such as the steam is just wrong. Only 10 percent of the fuel in these types of motors is actually moving a vehicle. The rest of the fuel produced simply useless heat.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Diesel Improvements and Biodiesel

During the oil crisis of 1970, the European car manufacturers have started advertising diesel engines for commercial use as a togasoline alternative. Those who tried were a bit disappointed-the engine was very strong, and she returned home with their cars covered from front to back in soot black soot responsible for smog in the same city.
In the last 30 or 40 years, however, significant improvements in engine performance and cleaning of the fuel is made. Direct injection devices are now controlled by advanced computers, combustion monitor fuel, improve efficiency and reduce emissions. Better-refined diesel fuels such as diesel ultra low sulfur (ULSD) is the amount of harmful emissions and improve engine to be compatible with the clean fuel for a simple process to download. Other technologies such as particulate filters CRT and catalytic converters burn soot and particulate matter, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons by 90 percent. [Source: Diesel Technology Forum]. Continuous improvement of the standards for cleaner fuels in the EU will move the auto industry to work harder to reduce emissions - until September 2009, the EU hopes that the particulate emissions from 25mg/kilometer to 5 mg / km.
You may have heard of something called biodiesel. It is the same as diesel? Biodiesel is an alternative or additive to diesel fuel used in diesel engines with changes little or nothing to the machines.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

How Turbochargers Work

When it comes to high-performance sports cars carsor is the topic of turbochargers usually comes up in the. Turbocharged diesel engine with large dimensions. A turbo can significantly increase the engine power without significantly increasing the weight that makes the great benefit that turbos so popular.
In this article you will learn how a turbocharger increases the power of an engine while surviving extreme operating conditions. We will also learn how wastegates, ceramic turbine blades and ball bearing turbochargers to help their job even better. Turbos are a type of charging system. They compress the airflow to the engine. The advantage of compression is the air that it pushes air of the engine allows in a cylinder, and air means that more fuel is added. To get more power from each explosion in each cylinder. A supercharged engine produces more power than motors without charge. This can significantly improve the power-weight ratio for the engine.

How to survive the end of the Universe

Next year will be the hammer of the prophets of doom. according to the prophecy, the world is through a solar storm, asteroid impact, collision Rogue Planet, the plague of meteors, earthquakes, debtcrisis,or a combination there of from. Of course, no one seems ready for an imminent apocalypse, 2012, with the exception of one study reported the construction of an underground bunker porn nudist.Why should we? Scientifically speaking, the prophecies are closely fanfare. Physicists can do much better. When it comes to scenarios of late cosmological data Cruncher tools available are much more meaningful predictions can tell us how you really do not stop to land, but the entire universe. Best of all, can tell us how to survive.